giulio iacchetti industrial design
giulio iacchetti industrial design
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name: Cruciale – 20 crosses by Giulio Iacchetti
date: 2011
photo credits: Max Rommel

Giulio Iacchetti has taken this research project, starting from the best-know Christian symbol: the cross. The graphic beauty and simplicity of the sign inspired to consider the possibility of obtaining products that rejoined the linearity and semplicity.
Milano, Museo Diocesano, 14/04/2011 – 15/06/2011
Mantova, Corraini Arte Contemporanea, 11/06/2011 – 15/07/2011
Rome, Santo Stefano Rotondo, 29/02/2012 – 28/03/2012
Enna, Castello di Lombardia, 02/06/2012 – 07/07/2012