giulio iacchetti industrial design
giulio iacchetti industrial design
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name: Boès
client: Ebanisteria Meccanica
date:  October 2020
photo credits: Max Rommel

Boès is a mirror designed to celebrate the history of Sardinia and its most iconic traditions. Its shape recalls the ox head, and is directly linked to the masks of the Ottana carnival, the boès and merdules, which represent the confrontation between man and nature, between instinct and reason. The mirror also offers  special spaces in which to leave cell phones, leashes, umbrellas or wallets. The underlying idea is that by mirroring ourselves, each of us masquerades as a Boes, becoming an animal for a single instant, in a game of references that, on the edge of irony, takes us on an intense and genuine journey into the human and artisan values ​​of Sardinia.